
c002-228 Religion44 is based on evolution

Why You Can't Reconcile God and Evolution
"" I understand the desire to reconcile science with religion. ""
"" I understand that people want their religion to reflect reality. But there is no religion that reflects reality. If you want to accept reality in general, and the reality of evolution in particular, you need to accept that. ""

As it got prophesied by many, I, Son of Man, am the new God Savior, the AntiChristos44, Buddha (The Awakened One), who founded the new, modern religion/ideology/world view/life style - the Religion44 of Holy Wisdom or the German Buddhism, the new religion for the new age of the mankind.

This revolutionary, new 'Religion44 of Holy Wisdom' is based on the 'Cunradian Theory of Evolution' by AntiChrist Buddha Cunrad44 = #ABC44.

"" I understand the desire to reconcile science with religion. ""
My goal is to reconcile religion with science and I achieved that by creating my own theory of evolution and my own Religion44, a religion that is based on the universal laws of nature, biology, evolution.

"" I understand that people want their religion to reflect reality. ""
I,Son of Man, God Savior, want my new, modern religion to reflect reality, indeed!

""But there is no religion that reflects reality. "" 
Now, there is a new religion like that, that does!
My Religion44 reflects reality and the natural world.
Obviously most of the old religions based on the ancient mythologies and books/scrolls are out of touch with reality and the laws of the nature. The most of the 'old religions' are 'incompatible' with modern science, indeed. But also ideas and religions get created and evolve over time...
So, my ideas evolved into a new 'world view', a new, modern religion, compatible with science...  My Religion44 of Holy Wisdom reflects reality and its main goal is to stick to reality as much as possible, but at the same time not to reject the spirituality, mysticism, intuition (the way the scientists, atheists, materialists do...).

""If you want to accept reality in general, and the reality of evolution in particular, you need to accept that. ""
No! We can have both!
I wanted to accept reality AND have a good religion that accepts mysticism and spirituality. My solution was to indeed reject the old, fantastic, stupid, unnatural, unrealistic religions based on ancient ideas and to create a new, modern religion instead, that would be based on reality, on the laws of nature, on evolution of the Universe and life on Earth in particular.

I invite those good humans who would like to learn my new, modern Religion44, based on my theory of evolution, to join my community, to learn, to study, to help...
German Buddhism44 :

Please spread the good news about me and my new Religion44!

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Theory of Wisdom about religion

Buddha Cunrad44 created some theory - the Theory of Wisdom.

According to the Theory of Wisdom
"Everything is religious or some kind of a religion."

If "everything" is a religion, meaning every kind of ideology, then even science or atheism is some king of a religion.

A religion does NOT  have to define or openly worship any gods, to be a religion nonetheless.


Ricky Gervais on atheism. The skiing fallacy

Ricky Gervais got quoted to say:
""Saying atheism is a belief system is like saying not going skiing is a hobby.
I literally do it all the time.""

I, Cunrad44, the founder of the new and modern religion = belief system = ideology, named Religion44, think, that that quote by Ricky Gervais is a fallacy and is a logical error.

It is much more complicated than the atheists think it is and it is NOT the way the atheists imagine.

Comparing the centuries old theological and religious debate between the theists worshiping the Bible and the many different atheists who oppose that worship and ideology, to a hobby of skiing, is logically wrong and flawed, and thus is a fallacy.

Too many proud atheists think and preach:
"Atheism is not a belief."
That is a fallacy and a logical mistake, based on a misunderstanding.
If something is a "belief" or "disbelief" or not, depends very much on the method and the way that disbelief is practised.
If one's disbelief is a belief at the same time, depends not IF someone disbelieves something, but how one disbelieves and in what thing, what claim, what idea.

For example:
These are the theists (!) who provoked, created, stimulated to be formulated and promoted, the atheist belief system, which I name a religion, the religion of atheism.
Atheism came to being as the result of some theist propaganda and actions and it is some active struggle to counteract the influence of the various theists.

So Ricky Gervais and his atheist followers are fallaciously wrong by comparing an active ideological group struggle to not practising skiing.

Neither snow, nor cold winter weather, nor some skis standing in a sports equipment shop, try to suggest or enforce or even persuade of existence of the activity of skiing to anyone.
One can believe in skiing, or not, practice skiing or not, think of it or not - it is for very many people irrelevant! Most of the people of this planet do not even have to think about skiing and especially so, if that would be a hobby of some Ricky Gervais in some region of some Britain!..

But the situation is very dramatically DIFFERENT! when it comes to potential existence or non-existence of gods, this god or other god, or perhaps that group of gods and their demands...

One cannot just irrelevantly 'disbelieve' in a god, that god, this god, or those gods! The gods DO matter and are very much relevant and no matter if they physically exist or not!

Believing or disbelieving in a particular god can have huge and sometimes very dramatic and tragic consequences, so it requires from a human being an active process of thinking and MAKING A CHOICE!

So, indeed, if NO ONE would ever present and persuade any belief in some object 'xyz123' (fictitious or real one) - then, and only then, the 'disbelief in some object xzy123' could NOT be perceived as a 'belief' or 'belief system'.

But if, for the period of thousands of years, many people try to persuade others of existence of some gods, one or another, and they create laws based on such theist belief and they start wars because of that, and they punish other people based on those theist laws, then being an atheist disbeliever is not a mere passive "state of disbelief", but it is a conscious, deliberate, emotional choice based on consideration, thinking, reading, debating and so on.
Atheism is just conscious and active choice by many people, and not just a passive lack of any mental activity (of believing in something that they were told about).

So, as I think of it,
it is the theist 'belief system', 'theist religion' that actually created that reactionary, anti-theist belief system, that is named "a·theism".

To simplify things, I just think consistently about ideas in general, so,
if a belief system, a religion acts to persuade people that some 'gods' exist,
then, logically, the opposing set of ideas and actions, is also a 'belief system' and a 'religion'.
Atheism to me is just a religion and a belief system as much as that original theism is, but the ideas are opposing in them both.

Persistent and stubborn denying denial about atheism being some kind of a 'belief system' and a (anti-)'religion' is like communist would deny that communism would be any ideology.
For example, some communists could argue "the atheist way" like that:
"Communism is not a belief system, nor it is any ideology! We communists ONLY do not believe in capitalism and free market and money as the ultimate value and goal..."

One atheist asked me:
Do you actively disbelieve in Mithras?
For instance, I do actively disbelieve in "Jesus Christ" of the Bible. This is my conviction and belief, an element of my religion, that such described "Jesus Nazarene the Christ" - did not exist outside of some ancient Roman literature...

But on the other hand, it is NOT my belief, that some 'god Junegubiloga' of some holy book of 'Kegolanogu' exists. I do not care! Nobody ever tried to persuade me to accepting and practising anything with connection to that god of that holy book...
So the whole thing is totally irrelevant and indeed cannot be treated as a belief.